Rebuilding Us marriage podcast

270: How Gaslighting Controls and Confuses Relationships (Toxic Truths)

How Gaslighting Controls and Confuses (Toxic Truths) 

In this episode, we are uncovering gaslighting, a form of psychological manipulation that distorts reality and causes people to question their perceptions and memories. It’s intense, pervasive, and can wreak havoc in relationships. But fear not, because we explored the roots, manifestation, and impact of gaslighting to help you combat this toxic behavior head-on.

gaslighting in relationships podcast

Understanding how gaslighting works is vital, so we broke down its origins. The term comes from the class 1944 movie titled Gaslight, where the protagonist’s (a young, wealthy woman) husband cunningly convinced her she was insane. We zeroed in on the impact of gaslighting in relationships and the power dynamics at play.


Key Points:

  1. Exploring the origins of the term “gaslighting” and its impact on relationships.
  2. Differentiating between normal relationship conflict and gaslighting behavior.
  3. Discussing the effects of gaslighting on mental health and trust in relationships.
  4. Practical strategies for confronting gaslighting in relationships.
  5. Emphasizing the importance of trusting one’s intuition and setting clear boundaries with consequences.

We also debunked the common misconception that gaslighting is just a form of disagreement. It’s not. It’s a manipulative, intentional distortion of reality leading to doubt and confusion in the victim’s mind. This is the essence of gaslighting, and recognizing it is the first step to overcoming it. We explored the factors that lead individuals to become gaslighters as we continued digging into the root causes. Lack of personal accountability, an inability to manage emotions, and shifting blame all contribute to the development of gaslighting behavior. It’s a profound call to introspection for everyone, including myself.

But enough about the problem — let’s talk solutions. Several practical steps are essential in addressing gaslighting in relationships. 

Tips for Overcoming Gaslighting in Relationships:

  1. Understand you are not the problem. Your experience is your experience. Your memories are valid. 
  2. Have Direct communication. When confronting someone who gaslights, it’s important not to argue or defend yourself. This usually only exacerbates the situation, leading to more gaslighting.
  3. Set boundaries with consequences. Boundaries only work if consequences are enforced.
  4. Learn to trust your intuition. It’s important to understand that, before Christ, your heart was “deceitfully wicked above all things (Jeremiah 17:9), if you are in Christ, your heart has been cleansed. You can trust yourself and your feelings. 

These are just a few key strategies for combatting the toxic behavior of gaslighting. Your intuition can be a valuable source of wisdom and discernment, so learn to listen to it.

This episode isn’t just another discussion of psychological concepts. It’s a guide toward authenticity, wisdom, and empowerment in your marriage or relationships. By offering candid insights and practical advice, we’re committed to fostering meaningful change in relationships — one episode at a time.


Links Mentioned in this Episode: 

Ep. 266: Triangulation: Are You the Victim, Villain, or Hero in Your Relationship?

Ep. 260: Love, Respect, and the Fallacy of Biblical Submission

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certified relationship and marriage coach

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