Rebuilding Us marriage podcast

85: The Best Defense for Offense: Plus that Will Smith Slap! (Communication 101 Series)

The Best Defense for Offense: Plus that Will Smith Slap! (Communication 101 Series)

Do you find yourself getting offended easily or often? Today, I’m sharing six steps to help you avoid offense, plus we have to talk about the Will Smith/Chris Rock slap heard around the world! Here’s the deal: Jesus, himself, said, “Offenses will surely come…” (Luke 17:1). BUT, we don’t have to take offense. We can truly learn how to live unoffendable. Imagine not only saying “no offense,” but actually living this way. 

The Will Smith / Chris Rock Slap

But first, that Will Smith slap! If you watched the Oscars (which, let’s be honest, most of us didn’t!), we heard about Will Smith slapping comedian Chris Rock clear across the face. I share my thoughts on that situation in this episode. But more importantly, I share how this situation helps us to ask one very important question of ourselves when we are offended. 

Living Unoffendable 

I’d love to spell out all six ways to help you avoid offenses but I really want you to listen to the full episode, so I’ll give you two. You’ll have to listen to the full episode to get the other four: 

  • Don’t assume the worst; believe the best 
  • Stop looking for offenses 

Do you have other tips to help avoid offenses? We’d love for you to share them in our Facebook group. 



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