Rebuilding Us marriage podcast

20: #MarriageGoals for 2021

#MarriageGoals for 2021

It’s the end of 2020, ya’ll! Aren’t we glad?! As we prepare to start a new year, we should all have some new marriage goals. Today’s episode will help you to be intentional about the marriage you want and deserve. It’s been said that most people don’t plan to fail; they fail to plan. If you want a great marriage, it won’t happen by chance. Great marriages happen by choice. I am looking forward to building a great marriage. Aren’t you? This episode details five marriage goals I am focusing on for 2021 including:

  1. Pray for my husband daily.

I pray for my husband every day, but I mean, I want to really pray for him daily. I want to become more intentional in lifting him up to the Lord and covering him more than I have before. Husbands and wives, we have the extraordinary privilege and responsibility to pray for our spouses. If we don’t, who will?

  1. Have consistent pillow talks at night

Pillow talks are when you and your spouse lay on your pillows at night and talk about your highs and lows . . . the good things and the not so good that happened in your day. It’s an intimate time of connection that can help you sort out your feelings and nip any issues in the bud.

  1. Start weekly meetings

I admit, weekly “meetings” sounds so formal. But in planning them, we can focus on the nitty-gritty, ordinary issues of family life like finances, groceries, children’s schedules, etc. You should strive to not talk about these topics on your weekly date nights. Save it for your weekly meetings.

  1. Have weekly date nights

Shaun and I have always dated throughout our marriage, but I can’t say we do this every single week. In 2021, one of my marriage goals is to be more consistent with our weekly date nights. You can date just about anywhere. Check out this article for fun date night ideas.

  1. Plan three couples’ getaways for the year

Getting away together is so important. I don’t know many couples, however, who are intentional about going away. As a matter of fact, I would say the vast majority of married people rarely vacation alone together. My final marriage goal of 2021 is to plan three getaways for Shaun and me. These don’t have to be expensive or grand, but consistent alone time is crucial for a healthy marriage.

I want to encourage you to make some marriage goals for your relationship as well. No matter what happened in the past, you can begin again today. You can choose to have the marriage you want and deserve.

Maybe one of your marriage goals is to work on your sex life. We will dive right in to this topic in season three of the podcast – Maximizing Your Sex Life. Stay tuned!


Resources mentioned this episode:

 Making Love . . . Outside the Bedroom Workshop by Dana Che



  1. 31 Days of Prayer for My Husband book by Jennifer Smith
  2. Marriage Fitness book by Mort Fertel
  3. Conversation Starters for Couples book by Rich & Deanna Millentree
  4. Romancing Your Husband book by Debra White Smith

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certified relationship and marriage coach

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