Rebuilding Us marriage podcast

123: 5 Free Gifts Your Spouse Will Love This Christmas

5 Free Gifts Your Spouse Will Love This Christmas

Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year. It’s a season a giving; a time to come together, spend quality time with those you love, and enjoy each other’s presence and presents. But some might not be into presents or able to afford them. So, in this episode, I share five free Christmas gifts that your spouse will love this season. Gift giving doesn’t always need to be focused around monetary gifts. Sometimes a thoughtful, free gift can make Christmas time extra special.

The Gift of Passion in Marriage

Passion is the number one free Christmas gift you can give to your spouse this holiday season. I want you to think about what passion looks like in your marriage. Where does your marriage need a fresh dose of passion? Passion is creating excitement and igniting interest in your partner and your marriage. Find a place where you can insert more passion into the relationship to create a spark of joy this holiday season.

The Gift of Touch

There is a statistic that says if a baby is not touched within the first seven days of being born, he or she could die. Touch is so integral to relationships. It literally is so necessary. If you are in a marriage and you only touch during sex, that is a problem! This kind of touch could be a gentle massage, a tight embrace, or brushing your hand on your partner’s shoulder. Touch is a free Christmas gift that will help bring you and your spouse closer together. Hugging and other forms of touching triggers your brain to release the chemical of oxytocin, which is known as the “bonding hormone”. This simple and free Christmas gift could bring you and your spouse closer together in a matter of seconds.

The Gift of Decision-Making

Sometimes spouses who are more laid back spouse have problems making decisions. If they do make decisions, they are extensively cross-examined as to if their decision was the right one. Give your spouse the free Christmas gift of decisions and preferences. Instead of you always creating and implementing the plans, give your spouse the opportunity to choose. This will give your spouse the space to choose something that they prefer to do this holiday season. It’s such a gift when you say to them, “I care about what you care about, and your voice matters.”

The Gift of Affirmations

Most people love to get compliments. How can you affirm your spouse this Christmas season? I think words of affirmations should be part of your daily rhythm in your relationships. Most of us are so hard on ourselves, so when you have someone who tells you how great you are, it feels really good. One of the best free Christmas gifts you can give this season is the gift of affirmation. You can show gratitude, express appreciation, and tell them how much you love them. When you fill your partner’s cup with affirmations, you will see a change in your spouse and in your marriage.

The Gift of Peace

John 14:27 says “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Peace is an inner knowing that all is well. There is a peace that you can give to your spouse that no one can take away. This holiday season you can set aside your differences and give your spouse the free Christmas gift of peace. Bring peace to conversations that normally may be stressful. Peace starts with YOU. Fill yourself with gratitude and love and pass peace along to your partner to create a nurturing atmosphere this season.



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