Rebuilding Us marriage podcast

129: 5 Ways to C.O.V.E.R. Your Marriage in Prayer

5 Ways to C.O.V.E.R. Your Marriage in Prayer

One of the most important things you can do for your marriage is to pray for your marriage. Learning communication skills, conflict resolution techniques and intimacy hacks are great. However, if you’re leaving your marriage uncovered by failing to pray for your spouse and your marriage, it will always be vulnerable to attacks. Prayer is an essential guiding tool to get you and your spouse on the same page and create unity in your marriage.  In today’s episode I am sharing with you about my acronym C.O.V.E.R. which teaches you how to specifically pray for your marriage. 


Pray with Compassion

I believe that when we are praying for our spouses, we need to start with compassion. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you.” Think about that for a moment. How are you treating your spouse? Are you treating him/her with kindness and compassion, or are you holding grudges? Are you being kind? The first thing to remember when you go to pray for your marriage is to go to God with a heart of compassion and love.


Pray in Oneness

Marriage is all about becoming one. The goal of marriage is not simply to become happy; the purpose of marriage is that you and your spouse become one. Did you know your marriage is a living witness of the realness of who Jesus is? Pray for your marriage that you and your spouse will walk in oneness. Get on the same page as your spouse and become unified. Let go of the idea that you need to “win the fight” or get your point across or have your own way. Start embracing the journey of becoming one with your spouse.


Pray with Vigor

When you pray for your marriage, let your prayers be vigorous. Your prayers should be full of effort, energy, and enthusiasm. Isaiah 40:29 says “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.” God gives strength to the weary. He is the one who gives us power and energy to put in the effort. When you put in the love, commitment, and vigor into your marriage, God will deliver. 


Pray with Expectation

I am always talking about praying with expectation. It’s time we all start to pray with expectation, not just hope for the best. When we go to the Lord, we go with a heart of expectation. God hears you when you pray and is willing to make moves on your behalf. When we go to God, we pray to God expecting that he will deliver. It’s important to pray for your marriage with with a heart of expectation and also to have faith in the answer to that prayer. Start praying for victory from a place of victory. When you pray, believe what you are praying for and watch God make himself known in the most magnificent ways. 


Pray with Readiness 

Are you ready to obey what you hear? Prayer is a dialogue. First you pray, then you get quiet and listen to hear what God has to say back to you. Sometimes you may not like what God has to say in return.  You have to be ready for the Spirit of the Lord to give you guidance that you may not want to hear. When you pray for your marriage, really listen in order to get direction. When you pray for your marriage, be ready to take action. Luke 11:28 says, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” If you want God to speak to you, then you need to be ready to obey. 

Listen to the full episode to hear some specific areas I recommend that you pray for in your marriage. There is no prescribed way to pray. Simply pray from your heart and then listen to what God speaks back to you. Prayer is powerful! Now it’s time for you to get to praying.


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