I am Dana Che

I’m a fun-loving, passionate about healthy relationships, don’t-take-myself-too seriously, beach lovin’, ambitious woman who loves the Lord, my hubby, my family, friends, and business
. . . in that order!

Welcome! I am Dana Che

I’m a fun-loving, passionate about healthy relationships, don’t-take-myself-too seriously, beach lovin’, ambitious woman who loves the Lord, my hubby, my family, friends, and business
. . . in that order!

I am also a natural-born teacher, who loves to inspire and educate people through my podcast, speaking engagements, coaching platform, and writing.


Deep, meaningful conversations, banana pudding, anywhere with crystal blue ocean water, laughing until my stomach hurts, seeing broken relationships restored.

Most Embarrassing Story Ever

After church one day, I was leaning on a counter with my back toward the sanctuary. Moments before everyone came out, a friend rushed over to tell me that my entire dress had ripped down the middle. Not the best day to be wearing a thong!

Can Live Without

Rude people, bratty children, beets, cold temps, and boring people, especially if they’re rude.

Best Story Ever

My daughter, Cayla, was born in my car on the side of the road.

Why I’m Glad You’re Here

I know what it’s like to struggle in your marriage. As a matter of fact, I’ll bet I used to be you. I was angry, frustrated, hurt, broken, and hopeless. My dream of a beautiful marriage had become a terrible nightmare, and I felt helpless to change it. I didn’t want to repeat the cycle of divorce that had run rampant in my family, but there I was in an unfaithful marriage that was unraveling before my very own eyes.

speaker and marriage coach Dana Che Williams

My hubby, Shaun, and I sought out people we thought would help us. They didn’t. We continued cycles of unhealthy behavior for years before we had a breakthrough. Looking back, there was a clear pathway to healing, and we learned it the hard way. My desire is to help lift you up from whatever pit you’ve found yourself in in your marriage.

Relationships don’t work. People do. And if you’re willing to work, so am I.


Marriage Story

Now that you’ve learned about me, Dana Che, meet Shaun. I met him when I was around five years old. He claims I ran up to him and kissed him on his cheek and ran away. I have no recollection of this tale. But I did say I was ambitious, so there’s that . . .

We started dating as teens and got married at 18 & 21 years old. #DoNotAttemptThis. Enter the struggle bus.

We had a lot going against us when we got married. We were just babies, really. We had no money, a six-week-old baby, and no idea of how to make a marriage work. We both quickly turned to other “means” of getting our needs met. Enter infidelity.

Broken dreams, broken trust, and broken hearts . . . a perfect recipe for divorce. BUT GOD. He truly is the Real MVP in our story. A story of a faithful God to two unfaithful people who never gave up on us;  restoring our lives and our marriage.

Now, here we are, 25 years into a marriage that’s better than I ever thought could be. We’re still growing and learning every day how to love and serve one another. But man, is it good!

Oh, and we added three more musketeers to our brood, completing our family of six. We are living out our dreams in Virginia Beach, VA, and showing others their story is far from over.

Dana Che wedding photo with Shaun


Some of the hats I wear . . .

Dana Che and family


We are officially #TeamWilliams. Fun fact: when Shaun and I were dating, we both wanted three boys and a girl. And just like that, here they are.

Dana Che Thrive Relationships

What I do is more than a business, it’s a “businistry.” It’s a real-life-changing transformation.

Rebuilding Us podcast host Dana Che

Podcast Host

Rebuilding US is changing lives and marriages. From solo episodes, guest interviews, client coaching sessions, and Q & A episodes, our goal is clear.

relationship coach Dana Che and husband


Shaun and I have known each other since we were kids, but we keep learning more and more about each other as the years go by.

Whether speaking, teaching, preaching, or training, I encourage and empower large and small audiences. 


You are the sum total of the people you surround yourself with. I am grateful to have such extraordinary women in my life!

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Dana Che keynote speaker

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